Whether you have been a Phoenix Singers Friend or not in the past, we wanted to bring you up to date with what we have been doing to support young people in Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVA Primary School in Framlingham.

We have committed support for the academic year 2024-2025 but we would like to do more if we can. All our support for the school is the result of the generous giving of The Friends. The commitment made requires us to raise just over £1,700 but we would like to be able to do more if we have the support.

Our long-standing member, Miranda Barclay has taken over liaison with the school and outlines below what is committed and what is aspirational.

Miranda writes:

From one Friend to Many Others

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." said Woodrow Wilson. This is particularly pertinent to the Friends of Phoenix Singers! Did you know that we are providing ‘cement’ for 155 children in years 4, 5 and 6? Did you know that this particular brand of ‘cement’ facilitates curriculum adjustment to help these children catch up with the education lost in the COVID years? Please read on and feel a warm glow of satisfaction envelope you as you realise how our donations are really making a difference.

Facts and Figures:

In a recent study by SIMS (Schools Information Management System) 96% of schools say that learning gaps caused by COVID are still having an impact on pupil learning and achievement. These learning gaps can be anything from 6 months to a year (on average) and are affecting children in every age group.

Happily, 56% of schools across the UK have managed to put in place “targeted interventions” to bridge those learning gaps, and proudly I am able to inform you that Sir Robert Hitcham is in that 56% because of the donations they receive from groups like us enabling them to timetable extra maths and English.

How does this work?

Every year the Friends of Phoenix Singers funds singing lessons for pupils at Sir Robert Hitcham School and these lessons enable the children to participate in our concerts. This year, however, the need for extra numeracy and literacy is so pressing that Mrs Mawson has split the classes of years 4, 5 and 6 so that they get singing and catch-up interventions in rotation. This means that we are contributing not only to the singing skills of these year groups, but inadvertently to their academic achievement too.

Aha! I hear you say, “But I haven’t sent my contribution yet!” Never fear; there is a link at the bottom of this letter, and you can rectify that straight away. Due to a change of committee membership, we, Friends, have been on the back burner for a few months; but now we have a clear goal in sight we’ll be unstoppable!

The Future:

The Phoenix committee is broadly in agreement that targeted interventions are vital this year, and it is happy for us to fund Megan Peel’s time teaching till July. However, our main aim continues to be a well-trained junior choir. To that end Linda (Lavery), William and I went to meet Mrs Mawson at SRH and asked about her plans for the future. She told us:

A recent Ofsted report noted the importance of music at Sir Robert Hitcham and I (Mrs Mawson) am working on a wider plan to develop music as part of the USP of the school. A potential new development in 24-25 could be employing County Music resources to re-establish the choir. County Music has the advantage of taking care of much of the administration needed and supplying appropriately skilled teachers. The cost would be much the same as or slightly less than Phoenix Funds currently, but this was still being explored.

So, ideally next year we will be paying, once again for a choir. But what if we could do both? What if the Friends movement snowballed and we raised enough money for a choir and targeted interventions? What if we could help establish SRH as a centre of excellence in music?

And that, dear Friends is my dream! But more of that anon.

In the meantime, we do need to pay our yearly subscriptions so that we can balance the books. You’ll find the details below. And I’ll write again with ideas to get my plans up and running. It would be great to hear from you, especially if you have ideas of your own.

In the meantime, from one Friend to another, Thank you!

Best Wishes

Miranda Barclay, a good Friend of Phoenix Singers.

The suggested contribution is £30, or £50 for a couple but many people give a greater amount.  If you would like to support this work, please follow this link: Phoenix Singers Friends Registration Form.