Phoenix Singers' weekly rehearsals are normally held on Wednesdays in school term time, occasionally including half term. Additional rehearsals are arranged prior to concerts.

Rehearsal dates can be found on the  Dates for Members page.

Attendance at Rehearsals

Ideally, to maximise the experience gained from membership of the Choir and to ensure our performances are of highest possible quality, singers should aim to attend all rehearsals. It is accepted that this is not always possible and so, as a general rule, it is permissible to miss up to three in a term and still be entitled to sing in the relevant concert. Members with specific personal problems requiring more absences than this should write a note to the Musical Director outlining the rehearsals missed so that he can decide whether it is appropriate to sing in the concert. The Musical Director's decision is final.

Sectional Representatives are available to assist further and in particular to collect apologies for absence from rehearsals each week. Click Sectional Representatives to find out more including their contact details.

Rehearsal Etiquette

It is not always possible for all parts to sing all the time; singers are requested to respect the efforts of others by refraining from talking amongst themselves at any time during a rehearsal.

Score Marking

During rehearsal it will be necessary for singers to annotate their scores so they remember specific points from week to week and, crucially, in performance. Much music is hired and rubbing out is arranged after a concert; please ensure that marking is always done usig a soft pencil.

Learning Parts

Some of the music sung can be practised at home with the aid of resources available from websites such as Choraline, Cyberbass etc: